D. DE LAME, Welcome
W. ERDELEN, Address
J. P. KOYO, L’aménagement durable des forêts tropicales face à la multiplicité des fonctions attendues des arbres et des écosystèmes forestiers. Le cas du Bassin du Congo
P. METTENS, Contribution of Belgian Science to the Tropical Forests
J.-L. DOUCET, African Rain Forests: Evolution and Threats
R. PURI & D. DONOVAN, Asia’s Tropical Forests in a Changing Global Context: Can Expert-led Policy Making cope with Change?
M. PAOLETTI, Biodiversity Management and Loss of Traditional Knowledge in the Largest Forest of the Amazon. Examples from Amazonas, Venezuela and Ecuador
S. MANKOTO & M. MALDAGUE, Stratégie systémique appliquée à la gestion de la biodiversité. Cas de la Réserve de biosphere de Luki (RDC)
J.-C. NGUINGUIRI, Gouvernance des aires protégées dans le Bassin du Congo: principes et pratiques
P. LIMAN, Development of Conservation Areas. An Effort towards Biological Diversity Conservation in Indonesia
P. BIGOMBE LOGO et al. Forest Management Decentralization in Cameroon. Which Impact on Local Development?
M. KHAN, Governance in the Forestry Sector in the North-West Frontier Province, Pakistan. Managing Forests ? Is Deterioration Inexorable?
T. TREFON & S. COGELS, A Stakeholder Approach to Natural Resource Management in Peri-urban Central Africa
J.-J. LANDROT, The Problem of Sustainable Forestry Management in Humid Tropical Forests. The African Example
L. MATHOT & J.-L. DOUCET, Wildlife Surveys in Rain Forest Concessions in order to Identify Protected areas
L. ARAGON, Building Regional Capacity for Sustainable Use of Tropical Rainforest in Latin America: Experience and Challenges of the South-South Cooperation
C. VERMEULEN & J.-L. DOUCET, Conservation and Sustainable Use of Non-Timber Forest Products in Favour of Local Communities within Integrated Forest Management in Central Africa
J. C. MONSEMBULA et al., Gestion de la faune sauvage et le commerce du gibier en Afrique centrale
H. BEECKMAN et al. ,Knowledge Generation on Tropical Forest Products: a Model from Nepal
A. CISSE et al., Systèmes de croyances Niominka et gestion des ressources naturelles de mangrove
A. VERHEYDEN et al., Potential of High-resolution Wood Anatomy and Stable Isotope Measurements for Tropical Dendrochronology: a Case Study on a Kenyan Mangrove Tree Species
M. DE DAPPER, Tropical Forest in a Changing Global Context. Round Table Conclusions