This volume presents the proceedings of the international colloquium "The Signs of Which Times?" held at the Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences in Brussels from 3 to 5 June 2010.
F. VAN NOTEN - Introduction
P. BAHN - North Africa's Place in Rock Art Research
J. SOLER I SUBILS - The Age and the Natural Context of the Western Saharan Rock Art
C. DUPUY - Trois époques de gravure rupestre en Adrar des Iforas (Mali)
M. HACHID et al. - Quelques résultats du projet de datation directe et indirecte de l'art rupestre sarien
S. SEARIGHT - MARTINET - Holocene Rock Art in Morocco: Hard Facts, Hesitant Hypotheses and Hopeful Headway
A. SKOUNTI et al. - Rock Art and Archaeology in Ifran-n-Taska (Eastern Jebel Bani, Morocco) : First Results of the Moroccan - Italian Research Project
J. RAYMAEKERS & F. VAN NOTEN - A Decorated Stele from the Ténéré
M. GUAGNIN - From Savanna to Desert: Rock Art and the Environment in the Wadi al-Hayat (Libya)
A. & A.-M. VAN ALBADA - Eléments intéressant la chronologie relative des gravures rupestres du Plateau du Messak au Fezzan (Libye)
A. ZERBONI - Rock Art in the Central Sahara (SW Libya):A Geo-archaeological and Palaeoenvironmental Perspective
F. FÖRSTER et al. - The 'Cave of Beasts’ (Gilf Kebir, SW Egypt) and its Chronological and Cultural Affiliation: Approaches and Preliminary Results of the Wadi Sura Project
A .ZBORAY - A Revision of the Identified Prehistoric Rock Art Styles of the Central Libyan Desert (Eastern Sahara) and their Relative Chronology
D. HUYGE et al. - Premiers témoignages d’un art rupestre pléistocène en Afrique du Nord: confirmation de l’âge des petroglyphs de Qurta (Egypte) par datation OSL de leur couverture sédimentaire
L. LIPPIELLO & M. GATTO - Intrasite Chronology and Palaeoenvironmental Reconstruction at Khor Abu Subeira South 1 (Aswan, Egypt)
S. HENDRICKX et al. - Iconographic and Palaeographic Elements Dating a Late Dynasty 0 Rock Art Site at Nagel-Hamdulab
F. HARDTKE - Rock Art around Settlements: The Boats & Fauna at Hierakonpolis, Egypt
F. LANKESTER - Dating the Petroglyphs of Egypt’s Central Eastern Desert
D. HUYGE – Postscript