The Signs of Which Times?

Chronological and Palaeoenvironmental Issues in the Rock Art of Northern Africa

This volume presents the proceedings of the international colloquium "The Signs of Which Times?" held at the Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences in Brussels from 3 to 5 June 2010.

Paperback - In French 45.00 €

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Académie royale des Sciences d'Outre-Mer - Koninklijke Academie voor Overzeese Wetenschappen
Edited by
D. Huyge, Danielle Swinne, F. Van Noten,
Actes des Séances publiques
Publisher Category
Philosophy, literature, linguistics and history > Archeology and History of Art
Onix Audience Codes
06 Professional and scholarly
Title First Published
01 February 2013
Type of Work


Publication Date
01 February 2013
205 figures/ 10 tables
Main content page count : 377
16 x 24 x 2 cm
599 grams
List Price
45.00 €
Version 2.1, Version 3

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F. VAN NOTEN - Introduction
P. BAHN - North Africa's Place in Rock Art Research
J. SOLER I SUBILS - The Age and the Natural Context of the Western Saharan Rock Art
C. DUPUY - Trois époques de gravure rupestre en Adrar des Iforas (Mali)
M. HACHID et al. - Quelques résultats du projet de datation directe et indirecte de l'art rupestre sarien
S. SEARIGHT - MARTINET - Holocene Rock Art in Morocco: Hard Facts, Hesitant Hypotheses and Hopeful Headway
A. SKOUNTI et al. - Rock Art and Archaeology in Ifran-n-Taska (Eastern Jebel Bani, Morocco) : First Results of the Moroccan - Italian Research Project
J. RAYMAEKERS & F. VAN NOTEN - A Decorated Stele from the Ténéré
M. GUAGNIN - From Savanna to Desert: Rock Art and the Environment in the Wadi al-Hayat (Libya)
A. & A.-M. VAN ALBADA - Eléments intéressant la chronologie relative des gravures rupestres du Plateau du Messak au Fezzan (Libye)
A. ZERBONI - Rock Art in the Central Sahara (SW Libya):A Geo-archaeological and Palaeoenvironmental Perspective
F. FÖRSTER et al. - The 'Cave of Beasts’ (Gilf Kebir, SW Egypt) and its Chronological and Cultural Affiliation: Approaches and Preliminary Results of the Wadi Sura Project
A .ZBORAY - A Revision of the Identified Prehistoric Rock Art Styles of the Central Libyan Desert (Eastern Sahara) and their Relative Chronology
D. HUYGE et al. - Premiers témoignages d’un art rupestre pléistocène en Afrique du Nord: confirmation de l’âge des petroglyphs de Qurta (Egypte) par datation OSL de leur couverture sédimentaire
L. LIPPIELLO & M. GATTO - Intrasite Chronology and Palaeoenvironmental Reconstruction at Khor Abu Subeira South 1 (Aswan, Egypt)
S. HENDRICKX et al. - Iconographic and Palaeographic Elements Dating a Late Dynasty 0 Rock Art Site at Nagel-Hamdulab
F. HARDTKE - Rock Art around Settlements: The Boats & Fauna at Hierakonpolis, Egypt
F. LANKESTER - Dating the Petroglyphs of Egypt’s Central Eastern Desert
D. HUYGE – Postscript