Mnemosyne, o la costruzione del senso is the official journal of Observatory of the Written, Oral and Filmic Memory and of the Autobiographical Patrimony, an international and interdisciplinary research group that studies the rhetoric and forms of autobiographical discourse. Contributors are historians, linguists, narratologists, literary scholars, anthropologists, and media studies experts. Areas of interest include dramatic arts, fiction, narrative and correspondence, tangible heritage, and know-how.
The publication of the journal Mnemosyne, o la costruzione del senso entails a preliminary reading
of the contributions by two experts in each specific field concerned. These experts return
written opinions, along with suggestions for improvement, if necessary. Depending on their
opinions and advice, the authors are asked to revise/correct their articles. The revised essay,
along with the other reviewer's opinion, is then sent to the more critical of the two readers. If
necessary, the author revises her/his article once again. The reviewers and authors do not know
each other. The journal's editor reads and reviews each article and organises the contacts
amongst the various parties.
Mnemosyne o la costruzione del senso thus presents most credibly, in ten years of existence, a
catalogue raisonné of the various ways of the self's appearing as the author of one's own life
narrative in the broadest diversity of media and social contexts; in paradigms that are as different
as science, war, and art; and in very diverse positions on the chessboard of space and time.
Agreed by the European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH)