Tropical Climatology, Meteorology and Hydrology. Climate -related Risk Analysis and Sustainable Development in Tropical Areas

Second International Conference (Brussels, 13-14 December, 2001)

Livre broché - Multilangue 32,40 €

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Académie royale des Sciences d'Outre-Mer - Koninklijke Academie voor Overzeese Wetenschappen
Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium
Édité par
Gaston Demarée, Morgan de Dapper, Jean Alexandre,
Actes des Séances publiques
anglais, français
Catégorie (éditeur)
Sciences exactes > Biologie > Écologie et biogéographie
Catégorie (éditeur)
Sciences exactes > Géologie et géographie
Code publique Onix
06 Professionnel et académique
Date de première publication du titre
Type d'ouvrage

Livre broché

Date de publication
01 janvier 2004
Nombre de pages de contenu principal : 357
Code interne
16 x 24 x 16 cm
534 grammes
32,40 €
Version 2.1, Version 3

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Prof. Dr. Y. VERHASSELT, Dr. H. MALCORPS, Woord vooraf - Avant-propos - Foreword

Tropical Meteorology

AHMED, R. Variability and Trends of the Summer Monsoon Rainfall in Bangladesh.

NAITHANI, J., DELEERSNIJDER, E., PLISNIER, P.-D. & LEGRAND, S. Preliminary Results of a Reduced-gravity Model of the Wind-induced Oscillations of the Thermocline in Lake Tanganyika.

BERGONZINI, L. & RICHARD, Y. Relationship between the Zonal Circulation over the Equatorial India and Pacific Oceans and the East Affrican Lakes : Victoria, Tanganyika and Nyassa-Malawi Level Fluctuations.

Palaeoclimatology & Geomorphic Processes

MOEYERSONS, J., NYSSEN, J., DECKERS, J., MITIKU, H. & POESEN, J. The Climatic Significance of Late-Pleistocene and Early- to Middle-Holocene Mass mOvements and their Present-day Remobilization in Rwanda and Ethiopia.

HUS, J. Magnetic Susceptibility : a Proxy of the Palaeoenvironnment and Paleoclimate in Sediments.

NYSSEN, J., POESEN, J., VANDERREYKEN, H., MOEYERSONS, J., DECKERS, J., MITIKU, H. & SALLES, C. Spatial variability of Rain and its Erosivity in a Tropical Moutain Catchment : Tigray, Northern Ethiopia.

Agriculture, Food and Weather Prediction

LUPO, F., CARLOZZALOLI, M. & LAMBIN, E.F. Monitoring Natural Disasters and "Hot Spots" of land-cover Change with SPOT4 Vegetation to Assess Region at Risk.

KIPKORIR, E.C., GACHUIRI, S.M., MUKABANA, J. & RAES, D. Evaluation of the Onset of the Growing Season for Various Climatic Zones in Kenya by means of a soil Water Balance Method for Different Soil Types.

THE, C.B.S, SIMMONDS, L.P. & WHEELER, T.R. Modelling the Partitioning of Soalr Radiation Capture and Evapotranspiration in Intercropping Systems.

Historical Climatology

NARANJO, M.F. Change in the Hydrological Management of the Mexican Basin during the 16 th Century.

KONNEN, G.P., ZAIKI, M., BAEDE, F. MIKAMI, T. JONES, P.D. & TSUKAHARA, T. Pre-1872 Extension of Japanese Instrumental Metorological Observation Series Back to 1819.

GIODA, A., RONCHAIL, J., L'HOTE, Y. & POUYAUD, B. Analyse et variabilité temporelle d'une longue série de pluies des Andes en relation avec l'Oscillation Australe (La Paz, 3 658 m, 1891-2000).

DREBS, A. Early Weather Observations in Olukonda, Namibia, 1905-1926.

Tropical Hydrology

THANH TAM, V., DE SMEDT, F. & BATELAAN, O. Estimation od Underground Rivers in a Tropical Karst Area by way a Multithematic Study.

DEMAREE, G.R. Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) Curves for Yangambi, Congo, based upon Long-term High-frenquency Precipitation Data Set (Part I).

MOHYMONT, B. & DEMAREE, G.R. The Establishment of Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves for Precipitation in Yangambi, Congo (Part II).

SELESHI, Y. Design Flood Estimation under Inadequate Data : a Case Study.

Tropical Climatology

MUCHINDA, M. Drought Incidence in Zambia over the Thirty-Year Period 1970/1971 - 1999-2000.

MOLIBA BANKANZA, J.C. Classification des régimes pluviométriques en République Démocratique du Congo et en Angola.

NIEPLOVA, E. Long-term Temperature and Precipitation Variability and Trends in Kuwait.

OZER, P. TYCHON, B., OZER, A. & PAUL, R. L'enseignement en gestion des risques naturels.

OZER, P. Can Dust Vriability be a Regional Indicator of Land Degradation Trennd in Arid and Semi-arid Areas ? Analysis in the Sahel.

SENE, S. & OZER, P. Are the 1999 and 2000 Urban Floods in Senegal due to Exceptional Rainfall Events?

SOKOLIKHINA, E.V., SOKOLIKHINA, N.N. & SEMENOV, E.K. The Assessment of the Connection between the Atmospheric Circulation and the Sea Surface Temperature (SST) of the Equatorial Pacific for Synoptic Scale Processes using Processes using the Singular Value Decomposition Method (SVD).