First Edition
Gustave Mukoko Kalenda
Dans la plupart des cas de ruptures des digues, le claquage hydraulique est la cause principale évoquée. Ce travail met l'accent sur les propriétés hydromécaniques des latérites compactées et percolées par des effluents liquides de nature chimique...
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Vivian Genaro Motti
This thesis presents a conceptual framework for user interface adaptation, joining dimensions that compose the variety of contexts of use through users, platforms, and environments, and the variety of aspects of an interactive system, including...
Sébastien Combéfis
There are more and more automated systems with which people are led to interact everyday. Their complexity increases, and badly designed systems may result in automation surprises. The contribution of this thesis is a formal analysis framework to...
Koen Hillewaert
The main objective of this work is the practical development of the discontinuous Galerkin method, arguably the most mature high-order discretisation, for the scale resolving simulations of turbomachinery...
Application au glissement de Kenscoff-Mahotière (Haïti), First Edition
Berthoumieux Junior Jean
L'objectif de cette thèse est d’analyser l’influence des phénomènes stabilisants ou déclenchants sur la stabilité des pentes en les appliquant au glissement de...
Cas de la Province du Kasaï oriental en République démocratique du Congo, First Edition
Jean Shimatu Mbuyi
L'objet de cette thèse est d’analyser et de comprendre la nature et le comportement des sols du Kasaï oriental, afin de proposer des solutions pour leur utilisation comme terre à...
Virginie Kluyskens
This thesis proposes a phenomenological electromechanical model aimed to explain the physical consequences of the forces due to eddy currents in any type of rotating magnetic...
Thierry Gilles
In this work we solve the scattering, a problem of electromagnetic analysis, by mixed homogeneous linear and isotropic three-dimensional materials with the Method of Moments in the harmonic...
Christophe Vloebergh
Les progrès réalisés dans la fabrication de matériaux piézoélectriques ont permis, depuis le début des années 80, le développement d'un nouveau type d'actionneurs : les moteurs piézoélectriques à onde...
A grammar-based approach, First Edition
Diego Antonio Ordóñez Camacho
In this thesis, a product-line approach provides the support for a reusable translator framework; a grammar convergence reverse-engineering approach enables to extract common models from programming languages and...
Judith Spiegel
The growing interest in integrated microwave devices for automotive and wireless communication demands reducing device dimension by increasing bandwidth and operating frequency is a major challenge. This thesis presents the design of such...
Jean-François Vanhumbeeck
Anodisation has been studied for almost eighty years, primarily in the field of corrosion science, as a simple and efficient way of producing thick protective oxide coatings on Al, Ti or Zr...
Sébastien Naslin
La subsistance d’erreurs systématiques non maîtrisées dans certaines expériencesrécentes dédiées à la mesure de la constante universelle de gravitation G a conduitla commission CODATA 2006 à encourager le développement de...
Veronica Borcea
The radioactive ion implantation wear measuring method (RII) has been used for many years as a tool to make highly sensitive real-time in-situ measurements of wear and corrosion in metallic or ceramic materials. The method consists of the...
Maryline Bawedin
Memory devices based on floating-body effects (FBE) in Silicon-on-Insulator (SOI) technology are among the most promising candidates for sub-100nm and low power Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM). This new type of DRAMs, called Zero-Capacitor...
Prédiction par double quantification vectorielle et sélection du délai en hautes dimensions, First Edition
Geoffroy Simon
De la finance à la climatologie, en passant par les processus industriels, nombreux sont les domaines où on rencontre des séries temporelles. L'analyse, la modélisation et la prédiction de séries temporelles constituent aujourd’hui encore des...
Tsung Ming Chung
The objective of this research is to study the feasibility of the various fabrication process for this GAA device, to analyse the electrical characteristics of these devices from DC characteristics up to 110 GHz and to describe their...
Frédéric Sauvage
Monitoring the limiting reactant concentration is a key question to maximize the productivity and to guarantee the safety of exothermic fed-batch processes. However in most applications, the concentration cannot be measured in real-time since...