Tropical Climatology, Meteorology and Hydrology In Memoriam Franz Bultot (1924-1995)

(Brussels, 22-24 May, 1996)

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Académie royale des Sciences d'Outre-Mer - Koninklijke Academie voor Overzeese Wetenschappen
Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium
Edited by
Gaston Demarée, Jean Alexandre, Jean-Jacques Symoens,
Actes des Séances publiques
English, French
Publisher Category
Natural Sciences > Biology > Ecology and Biogeography
Publisher Category
Applied Sciences > Agronomy and Agriculture
Onix Audience Codes
06 Professional and scholarly
Title First Published
Type of Work


Publication Date
01 January 1998
Main content page count : 798
16 x 24 x 4.1 cm
1382 grams
List Price
45.90 €
Version 2.1, Version 3

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Prof.Dr. Y. Verhasselt, Dr. H. Malcorps,Woord vooraf - Avant-propos - Foreword

AcademicOpening Session

H.R. H. Prince Laurentof Belgium, Presidentof the Royal Institute for Sustainable Management of Natural Resources andPromotion of Clean Technology

F.Demeyere, Chef de Cabinet Adjoint, Ministry of Science Policy

G.Obasi, Secretary General of the World MeteorologicalOrganization

A.Szöllösi-Nagy,Director Division of Water Sciences, UNESCO

E. Bernard,L’oeuvre de Franz Bultot en météorologie et en climatologie tropicales.

G.Demarée, A. Bibliography of Franz Bultot


N.Petit-Maire &R. Bryson, Holocene Climatic Changeand Man in the Sahara

R.Michel, Palaeoenvironmental Evidence for Synchronous Changesin Calcite Flowstones Formation, Speleothems Erosion and/or (Re) Dissolution andEquatorial Wetter Conditions in the Tropical Karst of MOunt Hoyo (N.E. Zaire)

J.Moeyersons, Absence of Arid Conditions at Shum Laka RockShelter (Bamenda-Western Cameroon) since 30,000 yr B.P

J.JelĪnek, Climate as Reflected in Rock Art. Example fromCentral Saharan Fezzan

E. Roche,Evolution du paléoenvironnement holocène au Rwanda. Implications climatiques déduites de l’analyse palynologique de séquencessédimentaires.

H.Pajunen, Peat Accumulation Rate in Rwanda and Burundi. An indicator of Long-term Climatic Changes ?

E.van Overloop & R. Paepe, The Quaternary Geology aroundthe Great Lakes in Central Africa. Pluvialsand Interpluvials are not the Equivalent of Glacials and Interglacials


C. Mbaye,Etudes des fluctuations de la température de l’air et des précipitations auSénégal de 1854 à 1990

A.VenÄlÄinen & M. Mhita,The variability of Rainfall in Tanzania

R. Morel,Début de la sécheresse en Afrique de l’Ouest

P.Ozer, Lithometeors and Wind Velocity in Relation withDesertification during the Dry Season from 1951 to 1994 in Niger

P.-D.Plisner, Lake Tanganyika : RecentClimate Changes and Tele connections with ENSO

A. Santiago-Jegaden& J. Suchel, Etude du lienrelief-convection dans l’Ouest-Cameroun, analyse d’images Météosat

B.Van Gompel &H. Decleir, Further Characteristicsof Climate Change in the Sahel Region and West Africa

K.Olszewski, Bioclimatic Regions of Nigeria

T.Ridder, Rainfall and Sunshine in Irian Jaya (New Guinea)

C.Van Scherpenzeel,Rainfall in the Northern Part of Surinam (South America)


O.Brasseur, C. Tricot,V. Ntezimana, H. Gallée & G. Schayes, Importance of the Convective Adjustment Scheme in theSimulation of the Diurnal Cycle of Convective Activity in Africa

A.Colman, Predictionsof Precipitation from Two Global Circulation Models and an Empirical Technique

D.Guschchina, E. Semenov & S. Lakeev, The Evolution ofAtmosphere Circulation Anomalies during El Niňo-Southern Oscillation

E.Cayanan & C. Lao,Statistical Method of Forecasting the Probability of Tropical CycloneRecurvature in the Philippines

S.Lakeev, D. Guschchina & N. Astafyeva, Spectral andWavelet Analysis of Circulation Processes during the ENSO

E.Semenov, The Empirical Model of Global-Scale Circulation inTropical Atmosphere

Remote Sensing

P.Boekaerts, D. Cromelynck & J. Cornelis, Sub-Pixel SceneIdentification in ScaRaB Broad-Band Data of the Tropical Hurricane Kelvina byCollocation with High-Resolution Meteosat Data for the Study of AngularDependency Models of Radiation Fields

S.Dewitte, N. Manalo-Smith,D. Crommelynck & J. Cornelis,Determination of Tropical Radiation Budget at High Time and Space Resolution byCombination of Geostationary and Polar Satellite Measurements

T.Dinku, Satellite Rainfall Estimation and its Applications inEthiopia

S. Griguolo & P. Santacroce,Eco-Geographic Classifications Based on Time Series of HRPT NDVI Images

G. Hendrickx, A. Napala, D. Rogers & J. Slingenbergh, Contributiondes satellites à la lutte contre la trypanosomose animale africaine


J. Sircoulon,Cinquante ans d’études hydrologiques en Afrique de l’Ouest

A.Grove, Variability of African River Discharges and Lake Levels

H.Vermeulen, P. Van Damme,F. De Troch & P.Troch, Influence of Small Dams onthe Water Table Level in Northern Togo

J. Charlier, Pourra-t-on sauver les connaissances hydrologiques du bassin congolais/zaïrois?

M. Daouda, P. Ozer & M. Erpicum,Conséquences de la sécheresse sur la longueur et l’amplitude de la saisondes pluies au Niger

G.Demarée, S. Derasse& A. Assani, Extreme ValueDistributions of the Rainy Season Maximum Daily Precipitation Depths atLubumbashi (Shaba), Zaïre

Y.Seleshi & G. Demarée,Identifying the Major Cause of the Prevailing Summer Rainfall Deficit over theNorth-Central Ethiopian Highlands since the Mid-60s

F.Moreda, G. Vandewiele,G. Demarée & W. Bauwens,Application of Pure Run-off Models in Low Flow Analysis of Awash River Basin in Ethiopia

B.Tychon & G. Wollenweber,Estimation of Latent Heat Fluxes with a Modified Jackson Model Applied to SparseVegetation : Application to the Hapex Sahel Experiment

S.Vannitsem & C. Nicolis,Non-Markovian Processes and the Statistical Prediction of River Flows

A. Laraque & J.-C. Olivry, Deux systèmeshydrologiques mitoyens mais opposés du bassin du Congo-Zaïre : la Cuvettecongolaise et les plateaux Tékés

E. Servat,M. Sakho, G. Ale, A. Afouda & J. Fritsch,Le projet FRIEND en Afrique de l’Ouest et centrale : l’expérienced’un réseau de recherche en partenariat dans le domaine de l’hydrologie régionale

L. Bergonzini,Les fluctuations du niveau du lac Tanganyika et les termes de surface de sonbilan hydrique

J.Berlamont, The Hydraulics Laboratory of U.M.S.S. atCochabamba, Bolivia, and its Contribution to the Remediation of Topsoil Erosion

B. Olechnowicz-Bobrowska, N. Can & S. Wahab, Bilan hydriqueclimatique de la zone aride et de la zone de mousson en Asie


R.Gommes, Some Aspects of Climate Variability and Food Securityin Sub-Saharan Africa

R.Ahmed, Monsoon Prediction in Bangladesh : a Preliminary Study

V. Tonnard & B. Tychon, L’enseignement en agrométéorologie pour lesressortissants des pays en voie de développement

D. Dabi & W. Anderson,Water Scxarcity and Sustainable Agricultural Development in the Drought-proneSemi-Arid Zone of West Africa


J.Van Goethem, TheConvention on Biological Diversity and the Role of the Royal Belgian Instituteof Natural Sciences in Biodiversity Research

B.Beart & E. VanRanst, Importance of Organic Matterfor Sustainability of Agro-Ecosystems in Lower Zaïre

M.Akhtar, Desertification in the Republic of Sudan. SomeRecommendations for the Sustainable Utilization of Sahelian Resources

L. Hens, The Implementation of the Rio Conventions and Agenda 21in the European Union and in Belgium

Z.Kundsewicz, Water for Sustainable Development in TropicalAreas