Entretiens avec / In discussion with Jürg Conzett

First Edition

Admittedly engineers simply continue to calculate the projects they are given by architects, but engineers also draw or redraw, build physical models or design digital models for parametrisation, gauge aesthetics and reinvent the production of the form. Is it the architect or the engineer who designs the structure, lays its foundations and establishes the intentionality of the project?
The examples covered in the pages of this book show us that creativity lies at the heart of engineering practice and a structure's design. It also shows that engineering today is a space of freedom and that it is enough to want to be part of it, to give us the means, to ask us the right questions, for us to invent the new structural landscapes of tomorrow. This book is different in that projects are presented from the point of view of their genesis and their design.

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Presses universitaires de Louvain
Edited by
Denis Zastavni, Bernard Wittevrongel,
Hors collection (Presses universitaires de Louvain)
English, French
Publisher Category
Applied Sciences > Architecture and Civil Engineering
Publisher Category
Applied Sciences
BISAC Subject Heading
ARC000000 ARCHITECTURE > ARC006000 ARCHITECTURE / Individual Architects & Firms
Onix Audience Codes
06 Professional and scholarly
CLIL (Version 2013-2019)
3076 Architecture/Urbanisme
Title First Published
07 November 2014


Publication Date
01 January 2008
Main content page count : 128
192 grams
List Price
18.00 €
Version 2.1, Version 3

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Avant-propos / Foreword 7
Introduction / Introduction 11
Interview de Jürg Conzett / Interview with Jürg Conzett 16
Des méthodes et des outils en conception structurale : état de la question provisoire 47
Un outil automatisé expérimental pour accompagner la morphogenèse structurale : approches et principes 53
Recherche d'équilibre et d'optimalité au travers d'un processus de conception intégrée 61
Quelle structure pour quel espace ? 69
La conception des structures à l’épreuve du matériau. L’exemple du matériau bois. 77
Développement d’éléments d’optimisation structurale à l’usage des architectes 83
Couverture du Carré des Arts : valeur d’usage et nécessité 93
EUROCODES : limitations pour la fiabilité, la conception et l’optimisation structurale 99
L’interaction entre les aspects architecturaux et techniques dans l’exemple du Palazzo della Regione
/ The interaction between architectural and technical aspects in the example of Palazzo della Regione 109
Projets / Projects
Laurent Ney
Auvent à / in Kiel 136
Musée à / in Amsterdam 138
Passerelle à / in Knokke 142
Passerelle à / in Courtrai 144
Jean-Marie Cremer
Pont du Pays de / of Liège 148
Country-hall à / in Liège 150
Grand stade de / of Lille 152
Jürg Conzett
Trois ponts à Vals / three bridges in Vals 158
Kongresshaus à / in Zurich 166
Bureaux à / in Coire 170
Deux passerelles sur l’Aar / Two footbridges on the river Aare 174
Voiles cisaillés et mise en place structurale / Shear walls and their use in structures 178
Discussions & éléments techniques / technical elements
Entretien avec Jürg Conzett / Discussion with Jürg Conzett 182
Échanges avec les orateurs du séminaire / Discussions with the speakers at the seminar 203
Conclusions / Conclusions
Conclusions / Conclusions 233
Crédits / Credits 237