This book is a compilation of 18 interviews from well-known professionals working in image creation, production, postproduction, distribution, and exhibition. The interviews are based on hour-long conversations that were transcribed, in some cases translated, and edited. As the scope of the IP-Racine project is the entire "scene to screen" chain, the topics vary, giving technical, economic, political, conceptual, and cultural perspectives on a wide range of themes related to cinema. Digital Cinema Perspectives is the result of a collaborative process that ran from April 2005 to the end of August 2006 in a series of European and American cities.
The chapters follow an order that conceptually represents the cinema chain from image capture to projection. The interviewees are Joe di Gennaro, Tomàs Pladevall, David Stump, Jesús Haro Tapias, Hugo Ramos Garza, Peter Takeuchi,Craig Mumma, Joe Lewis, Pepe Salcedo, Joshua Pines, Rick Dean, Jan van Dommelen, Laurent Minguet, Elisabetta Brunella, Michael Karagosian, Primitivo Rodríguez Gordillo, Patrick von Sychowski, Montserrat Guiu, and Walt Ordway.
Introduction ................................................................................... 7
Chapter 1 Joe de Gennaro ......................................................... 9
DP, Digital Acquisition Specialist
Chapter 2 Tomàs Pladevall, AEC ............................................. 35
DP/Author/Film Professor
Chapter 3 David Stump, ASC ...................................................49
DP/Effects Cameraman/Visual Effects Supervisor
Chapter 4 Jesús Haro Tapias ................................................... 63
DP/Technician for Kodak Professional Cinema
Director Kodak Professional Cinema Spain
Chapter 5 Peter Takeuchi ......................................................... 73
Effects Producer/Creative Development Consultant
Chapter 6 Craig Mumma........................................................... 89
Visual Effects Supervisor/DI Specialist
Chapter 7 Joe Lewis .................................................................99
Founder of General Lift Motion Control & Encodacam
Chapter 8 Pepe Salcedo.........................................................111
Chapter 9 Joshua Pines..........................................................125
Vice President of Imaging R&D,
Technicolor Digital Intermediates
Chapter 10 Rick Dean...............................................................137
VP Technology Development, THX Ltd.
Chapter 11 Jan van Dommelen ................................................153
Honorary Vice President UNIC,
Managing Director Jogchem's Theatres B.V
Chapter 12 Laurent Minguet .....................................................165
Chapter 13 Elisabetta Brunella .................................................181
Secretary General of MEDIA Salles
Chapter 14 Michael Karagosian................................................189
Karagosian MacCalla Partners
Chapter 15 Primitivo Rodríguez Gordillo...................................201
President of SECIES, the Spanish Association of Cinema Exhibition
Chapter 16 Patrick von Sychowski ...........................................215
Director of Business Development, Unique Digital
Chapter 17 Montserrat Guiu .....................................................225
Cinema Owner
Chapter 18 Walt Ordway...........................................................237
CTO at Digital Cinema Initiatives
The Author Alléne Hébert .........................................................253
Communications Consultant