According to some opinions, the intelligence of the Christian faith today traverse a kind of exile, such as to make it strange
or foreign, with changes in society and
culture. This would help to understand sometimes the temptation to "fall back" on spirituality, sometimes the containment of Christian thought in the sphere of specialized institutions
dedicated to research and scientific publications, touching an audience of more limited.
Others argue the contrary, today more than ever,
the intelligence of faith - in philosophy as in theology - is
must meet the challenges that await it in the field
social practices.
The relationship between faith and reason remain shaky without "reason-
his practice "efficient, which shows the logos of faith,
intelligently heard in social life, not away from
and changing realities, passions and suffering
manifest themselves.
In a society often perceived today as fragmented
Wu, confrontational or threatening, what resources
that the "business" of theologian (do) and philosopher offer
alliance in the Christian faith of his intelligence and his
par Bernard VAN MEENEN
Intelligence de la foi et accompagnement spirituel en psychiatrie: une rencontre improbable ?
par Caroline WERBROUCK
La bonne puissance à l'œuvre dans l'histoire du Rwanda par Laurien NTEZIMANA
Dieu pour penser - derrière les murs
par Jean-François GRÉGOIRE
Théologie et biomédecine : une mutuelle exigence critique par Bruno CADORÉ, o.p.
Foi, débat international et médias
par Rik TORFS
La théologie à l'heure d’internet. Un nouveau potentiel par Claire Marie MONNET, o.p.