In view of technological evolutions, the way people communicate has dramatically changed in less than two decades. Linguistic studies on the subject have been numerous and this is one of the reasons why the Linguistic Research Unit of the Language & Communication Institute (PLIN) of the Université catholique de Louvain decided in... Lees verder
In view of technological evolutions, the way people communicate has dramatically changed in less than two decades. Linguistic studies on the subject have been numerous and this is one of the reasons why the Linguistic Research Unit of the Language & Communication Institute (PLIN) of the Université
catholique de Louvain decided in 2016 to organize a one day workshop on this hot topic.
This follow-up volume is structured in two main sections. The first section (From automatic processing…) focuses on automatic processing of language and offers chapters related to automatized recuperation and transmission of information, as well as to automatized analyses of large new media corpora.
The second section (…to social impact) focuses on the social impact of new media as to writing processes, multimodal interaction and discursive processes. This distinction is of course in no way dichotomist, but rather points towards a different of focus of the chapters.
The variety of topics included is further evidence, if needed, that new media have an impact on almost any field of linguistics.
Foreword by Naomi S. Baron 7
Introduction by the Editors 9
From automatic processing...
Cédric Lopez, Sarah Zenasni, Eric Kergosien and Ioannis Partalas. Extracting Absolute SpatialEntities from SMS: Comparing a Supervised and an Unsupervised Approach 15
Agathe Pierson. The Concept of Sublanguage: A Comparative Study of a Professional MedicalCorpus and a General Public Medical Corpus 23
Victoria Bobicev, Yasser Jafer and Marina Sokolova. Sentiment Analysis of Personal HealthInformation on Twitter 45
Leen Sevens, Vincent Vandeghinste, Ineke Schuurman and Frank Van Eynde. Involving Peoplewith an Intellectual Disability in the Development of Pictograph Translation Technologies forSocial Media Use 57
María-Teresa Ortego-Antón. From Spanish to English: Code-Switching in Social Media –A Case Study 69 social impact
Louise-Amélie Cougnon and Hugues Draelants. Language Ideologies and Writing Systems inCMC: a Sociolinguistic Approach 85
Andrea Pizarro Pedraza and Barbara De Cock. Non-conforming Uses of #jesuisCharlie andDerived Hashtags on Twitter 99
Erika Lombart. The Emoticon Functions in Antiphrasis Interpretation on Doctissimo'sForums 107
Ludivine Crible. Speaking, Writing, Playing: Multimodal Alternation in Online MultiplayerVideogames 123
Paul Sambre. Multimodal Intersubjectivity in Music: Embodied Affordances in Digital HornHangouts 133
Delphine Vandenabeele and Martina Temmerman. Listicles: a Journalistic Genre for DigitalMedia 149