The subjects of these essays range from the sixteenth to the twentieth centuries, from Hungary to France, from a localized case taken at a precise moment to a national evolution covering three centuries. Lire la suite
Their themes -- spanning the religious, political, economic and juridical -- are just as varied. What could they have in common?
Principally, a collective approach, the approach of a research group focusing their lens on social history, beyond the differences of "specialties" and the periodizing of time that historians often favor. Bringing together documentation as close as
possible to the individual with an attention to the structures that these individuals actualize: this is the primary concern of the RHiSoP group of the CRH. We at the RHiSop practice a situated history of society making that can enounce or leave unspoken, affirm or dispute, hierarchies, categories and boundaries – the structures that we try to glimpse at the heart of this interplay of actors. We do not, however, restrict ourselves to what the actors themselves have to say about it. One of the
social modalities of these conflicts of classification is their translation into space (the space of borders, for instance, but also the infinitesimal space of precedence, greed, or inspections). This is the reason our volume pairs the study of borders and
boundaries, thus the study of thresholds and gradients. These are valuations by which spatial distinction is always a social construction as well. As a result, nothing is static, and the RHiSoP group focuses on tracking historical evolution, these moments where society-making allows room, in general conflictually, for the possibility of the reordering of structures.
Borders, Thresholds, Boundaries: A Social History of Categorizations. Introduction
Élie Haddad
Nobility of the Sword, Nobility of the Robe: Social Spaces and Ideological Borders
Marie-Élizabeth Ducreux
Reconstructing the Catholic Church and Restituting the Power of the Sovereign: The Clergy in the Composite Monarchy of the Habsburgs during the Seventeenth Century
Mathieu Marraud
Corporate Exercise and the Borders of Privilege: The Trades of Paris in the 17th and 18th Centuries
Laurent Joly
The boundary between "Judaism" and "Aryanism": Anti-Semitic logic, litigation, and bureaucratic practices relating to the classification of “half-Jews” in Occupied France (1940-1944)
Fanny Cosandey
What is the Boundary between Public and Private? Some Reflections, based on the Royal Domain
Isabelle Backouche
Parisians write to the Administration: Interplay between Social and Spatial Boundaries (1920-1945)
Christophe Duhamelle
Confessions and boundaries in the Holy Roman Empire: The Brandenburg, Minden, and the Calendar in 1668
Abstracts and Keywords
The authors