Phraseology, constructions and translation

Corpus-based, computational and cultural aspects

Editorial coordination by Jean-Pierre Colson

Phraseology, the study of idiomatic expressions and constructions in the broadest sense, never ceases to fascinate linguists, learners, and language lovers. Practicing a native or foreign language at high proficiency level requires a complex understanding of all its figurative and idiomatic meanings... Read More

With contributions by Hrisztalina Hrisztova-Gotthardt & Zoltán Gotthardt / Manana Rusieshvili-Cartledge & Rusudan Dolidze / Outi Lauhakangas / Liisa Granbom-Herranen / Marina Yu Kotova / Olesya S. Sergienko / Irina Zimonyi-Kalinyina / Sunil Sharma / Chunyi Lei / Ludmila Torlakova / Barbara Kovačević & Ivana Vidović Bolt / Tamás Forgács / Isabel Andúgar Andreu / Ariel Novodvorski / Dessislava Stoeva-Holm / Hanno Biber / M.ª del Pilar Lojendio Quintero / Svetlana Y. Pavlina / Anda Rădulescu & Alice Ionescu / Salif Guibila / José Luis Rojas Díaz, Juan Manuel Pérez Sánchez & Alejandro Arroyave Tobón / Sarah Del Grosso / Jacek Kudera, Irina Stenger, Philip Georgis, Bernd Möbius, Tania Avgustinova & Dietrich Klakow / Wenke Mückel / Elżbieta Dziurewicz & Joanna Woźniak / Thomas A. Hammond / Marie Kopřivová / Abigail Walsh, Teresa Lynn & Jennifer Foster / Jingrao Li, Rui Yan & Agnès Tutin / Manon Hayette & Kevin Henry / Antonio Pamies-Bertrán / Jens Fleischhauer / Valentina Piunno / Gina Russo / Anna Chiara Pagliaro / Birgit Füreder

Phraseology, the study of idiomatic expressions and constructions in the broadest sense, never ceases to fascinate linguists, learners, and language lovers. Practicing a native or foreign language at high proficiency level requires a complex understanding of all its figurative and idiomatic meanings. Behind these meanings lie many cultural references, inherited from the history of nations and their traditions. Finally, translation, even in the age of artificial intelligence, comes up against the obstacle of idiomaticity, which is often difficult to render in a target language. This book contains selected contributions presented at the Europhras 2021 international conference (Louvain-la-Neuve, September 6-9, 2021). They cover a wide range of scientific disciplines related to idiomaticity: in particular, the study of proverbs (paremiology), cultural and contrastive studies, translation studies, corpus-based studies, and automated methods.

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Presses universitaires de Louvain
Editorial coordination by
Jean-Pierre Colson,
BISAC Subject Heading
LAN009000 LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics > LAN009020 LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / Morphology > LAN009060 LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / Syntax
BIC subject category (UK)
CF Linguistics
Onix Audience Codes
06 Professional and scholarly
CLIL (Version 2013-2019)
3147 Linguistique, Sciences du langage > 3150 Morphologie et syntaxe > 3154 Stylistique et analyse du discours, esthétique
Title First Published
24 April 2023
Subject Scheme Identifier Code
: Langues, liguistique et littératures


Publication Date
24 April 2023
15 x 21 cm
List Price
39.00 €
Version 2.1, Version 3


Publication Date
24 April 2023
Main content page count : 464
Version 2.1, Version 3

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Introduction 5

Section 1. Paremiology
• Im Schnittfeld von digitaler Lexikographie und modernem Sprachgebrauch
Mehrsprachige internetbasierte Sprichwortdatenbank
Hrisztalina Hrisztova-Gotthardt 9
• The issue of equivalence and the principles of creating a multilingual electronic database of idioms and proverbs
Manana Rusieshvili-Cartledge, Rusudan Dolidze 21
• The 'coincidentia oppositorum' as a category of proverb types
Outi Lauhakangas 29
• Vernacular proverbs in an everyday context
Liisa Granbom-Herranen 39
• To the Russian paremiological vision of the world (as seen in the thematic groups of proverbs)
Marina Yu. Kotova 49
• Concepts "Home. Family. Children. Parents. Parenting" in Russian and Ukrainian proverbial vision of the world (based on the new Electronic dictionary of current East Slavonic proverbs)
Olesya S. Sergienko 59
• Proverbs in the modern media discourse: Iron Logic on Vesti FM Russian radio station
Irina Zimonyi-Kalinyina 69

Section 2. Phraseology and cultural studies
• Hindi phraseology and culture: an interplay in the metaphor Ideas are Food
Sunil Sharma 81
• Unidades fraseológicas relativas al paraguas/la sombrilla en chino cantonés
Chunyi Lei 91
• Phraseological units with إضافة (ᵓiḍāfah) structure in Modern Standard Arabic
Ludmila Torlakova 101
• From head to hoof A classification of Croatian somatic idioms
Barbara Kovačević, Ivana Vidović Bolt 111
• Tabuisierung als Quelle von phraseologischem Wandel
Tamás Forgács 119
• Edad y sexo, ¿factores esenciales para la competencia fraseológica?
Isabel Andúgar Andreu 129
• La fraseología especializada en la metaforización de la política por el fútbol
Un enfoque de la espacialidad en corpus periodístico rioplatense
Ariel Novodvorski 137
• Sprachliche Formelhaftigkeit im Ritual
Pragmatische Phraseologismen im Kontext der Geburtstagsfeier
Dessislava Stoeva-Holm 147
• Wittgenstein's Nephew’s Parents and Children
Exploring a Digital Analysis of the Literary Text "Wittgensteins Neffe.
Eine Freundschaft" by Thomas Bernhard with a Focus on Phraseology and Complex Lexical Units
Hanno Biber 157

Section 3. Phraseology, translation, language teaching
• Algunos apuntes sobre la fraseología en el Satiricón y su traducción al español
La expresión del desprecio
M.ª del Pilar Lojendio Quintero 167
• Mots tabous roumains et leurs équivalents français : le cas de cur [cul]
Anda Rădulescu, Alice Ionescu 187
• L’écart culturel vu à la loupe de l’intraduisible phraséoparémiologique
Exemple du mooré et du français dans La dynastie maudite, roman de Yamba Élie Ouédraogo
Salif Guibila 199
• Phraseological Competence and Translation
A Pilot Study in an Undergraduate-Level Translation Program in Colombia
José Luis Rojas Díaz, Juan Manuel Pérez Sánchez, Alejandro Arroyave Tobón 209
• Der Prozess der Konventionalisierung von Wortverbindungen bei der Übersetzung der napoleonischen Gesetzbücher ins Italienische
Sarah Del Grosso 225
• Cross-linguistic intelligibility of idiomatic phrases in Polish-Russian translation tasks
Jacek Kudera, Irina Stenger, Philip Georgis, Bernd Möbius, Tania Avgustinova, Dietrich Klakow 237
• Phraseodidaktische Kompetenz für (künftige) muttersprachliche Deutschlehrkräfte?
Überlegungen zu einem potenziellen Arbeitsfeld
Wenke Mückel 251
• Vermittlung von Idiomen im Präsenz- und Onlineunterricht im DaF-Studium
Übungsvorschläge, Erfahrungsbericht und Postulate
Elżbieta Dziurewicz, Joanna Woźniak 261

Section 4. Phraseology, corpora, automation
• Comparing the production of a formula with the development of L2 competence
Results from a pilot study
Thomas A. Hammond 283
• A balanced corpus of written language as a basis for compiling a phraseological optimum
Marie Kopřivová 301
• Analysis and comparison of Irish corpora annotated with multiword expressions
Abigail Walsh, Teresa Lynn, Jennifer Foster 311
• Une ressource phraséologique et son accès en chinois pour l’aide à la rédaction académique
Jingrao Li, Rui Yan, Agnès Tutin 323
• De l’exploitation lexicographique des outils d’analyse de corpus pour les chengyu du chinois mandarin
Manon Hayette, Kevin Henry 337

Section 5. Phraseology and constructions
• Le temps figuratif dans le lexique et la phraséologie des langues romanes
Antonio Pamies-Bertrán 353
• German light verb constructions with non-eventive nouns
Jens Fleischhauer 387
• Intensifying constructions in Italian Types, function and representation
Valentina Piunno 399
• Multiword expressions of Manner in Italian containing indefinite quantifiers
Evidence from investigations on corpora
Gina Russo 409
• Postponing construction: recurrence, specification and productivity
Anna Chiara Pagliaro 421
• Phrasemes and/or constructions? Periphrastic verbal expressions in Spanish, Italian and French revisited
Birgit Füreder 437