Shabwa's main monument, the royal palace, emblematic of the history of the kingdom of Ḥaḍhramawt, has been excavated and carefully studied from 1975 to 2000. Read More
Standing against the main gate (no. 3), north of the citywall, and thus integrated into the city's defensive system, it occupies a prominent strategic position. Consisting in a main building (known as A), on a high-rise finely dressed stone podium, associated with a building (known as B) surrounding a rectangular courtyard, it belongs to an architectural formula common to many buildings in Southern Arabia. If the building has not delivered any dedication of construction, it can be – due to epigraphic and numismatic clues – identified as the Shaqîr (S2QR) palace. Probably built at least during the fourth century BC, several times redesigned, the palace has been burnt down at 225/230 AD, rebuilt and embellished shortly thereafter
after, occupied during the fourth and fifth century AD and then definitively destroyed by the fifth century. It was thus for several centuries the seat of the hadhrami power. Its layers of fire have delivered an impressive number of pieces of wood, sometimes in good condition, allowing a fairly faithful restitution of a tower house associated with a courtyard building. In the third century, the palace delivered fragments of stone decoration and wall paintings of Syrian or even more oriental influence. The palace bears witness, at least in the early centuries of our era, to the extent of the commercial and artistic relations of the
Ḥaḍhramawt rulers, and to a court art, similar to that of other residences.
Avant-propos, par J.-Fr. Breton
Liste des auteurs
INTRODUCTION – L'identification du palais royal, par J.-Fr. Breton
Première partie
L'organisation des bâtiments, par J.-Fr. Breton
Les premiers états de construction (États 1 et 2), par J.-Fr. Breton
Incendie (État 3) et reconstructions (iiie siècle) (État 4), par J.-Fr. Breton
États tardifs (État 5) et incendie final (État 6), par J.-Fr. Breton
Les pièces de bois, par J.-Fr. Breton
Deuxième partie
Le décor sculpté en pierre, par J. Dentzer-Feydy
Les peintures murales du palais royal, par A. Barbet
Les bronzes, par J.-Fr. Breton
La céramique, par J.-Fr. Breton
Troisième partie
Le palais royal Shaqīr de Shabwa d'après les inscriptions, par M. Arbach
L'histoire du palais, par J.-Fr. Breton
Le palais de Shabwa et les autres résidences, par J.-Fr. Breton
Table des illustrations