The Whitehead Psychology Nexus is an international open forum dedicated to the cross-examination of Alfred North Whitehead's "organic" or “process” philosophy and the various facets of the contemporary psychological fi eld of research and debate. Read More
It seeks to mutually inform psychology and Whitehead scholarship by encouraging psychologists
to research in a Whiteheadian atmosphere and Whitehead scholars to engage with psychology.
Bold speculations balanced by "complete humility before logic, and before fact"
(Process and Reality, 1929, corr. ed., p. 17) are especially valued.
The WPN Workshops were launched in 2002 in Fontarèches (France). The provocative
papers gathered here are of two kinds: on the one hand, philosophical discussions of the
present state of affairs in psychology lato sensu; and, on the other hand, critical studies of
the relevance of the imaginative generalizations of Whitehead for psychology and of the
impact of contemporary psychology on Whitehead's system of thought.
Dr Paul Stenner is Professor of Social Psychology at the School of Psychology, The Open
University (Milton Keynes, UK).
Dr Michel Weber is Adjunct Professor at the Department of Educational Foundations, The
University of Saskatchewan (Saskatoon, Ca).
The Whitehead Psychology Nexus: Retrospect and Prospect
Michel Weber & Paul Stenner
Introduction: Some thoughts on the nature of existence
Jason W. Brown
William James and Jakob von Uexküll:
pragmatism, pluralism and the outline of a philosophy of organism
Arthur Araujo
Non-Commutativity and Its Implications in Physics and Beyond
Harald Atmanspacher and Thomas Filk
Process in Vedantic Mysticism: The Example of Ramakrishna
David T. Bradford
Simultaneity and Serial Order
Jason W. Brown
Occult geographies, or the promises of spectres:
Scientific knowledge, political trust, and religious vision at the
margins of the modern
Adrian J. Ivakhiv
Whitehead and Roger Sperry. The negation of the instant
and the free will problem
Rémy Lestienne
Re-thinking the Self: Process philosophy in Murray and Morgan's
Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)
Eleonora Mingarelli
On Signs: Hayek's Surmise, Process Philosophy & Biosemiotics
John Pickering
What is Called "Feeling"?
Lure and Certainty in Whitehead and Descartes
Pierre Rodrigo
Whitehead and liminality
Paul Stenner
The Relevance of Process Philosophy to Psychology
and Philosophy of Mind
Maria Teresa Teixeira
Consciousness, Memory, and Recollection
Xavier Verley
Hypnosis: Panpsychism in Action
Michel Weber
How to Develop a Scientific Concept of Processual Self
Karen Yan
Aesthetics as a Manifestation of Balance
Denys Zhadiaiev
Minkowski’s concept of “vital contact with reality”
in an existential philosophical context
Anastasiia Zinevych
Analytic Table of Contents