Dossier : Entanglements of Architecture and Comfort beyond the Temperate
Zone - part 2
Editorial, Daniel J. Ryan & Jiat-Hwee Chang
William M. Taylor, London's Uncertain Comforts: Fuegian Travelers and the Indeterminate Geography of Climate and Health
Deborah van der Plaat, Comfort in Australia's Unproductive North and the Attendant Anxiety of Tropical Cyclones
Cathelijne Nuijsink, Negotiating Comfort in the Metropolis: Peter Cook, Toyō Itō, and the Shinkenchiku Residential Design Competition, 1977 and 1988
Daniel J. Ryan, Thermal Nationalism: the Climate and House Design Program in Australia (1944-1960)
Nikolaos Magouliotis, Miniaturizing Monuments: Conrad Schick and his Architectural Models of the Holy Sites of Jerusalem
Warwick Anderson, Decolonizing the Foundation of Tropical Architecture
Paul Bouet, A Silent Graph. Tracing the Algerian Past of French Solar Experiments
Dissertation abstracts
Sam Grinsell, Urbanism, Environment and the Buildings of the Anglo-Egyptian Nile Valley, 1880s-1920s
Paola Colleoni, A Gothic Vision: the Architectural Patronage of Bishop James
Goold in Colonial Victoria
Ana Luiza Nobre, Catherine Seavitt Nordenson, Depositions. Roberto Burle
Marx and Public Landscapes under Dictatorship
Monique Jeudy-Ballini, Christine Mengin (dir.), Le Corbusier et les arts dits « primitifs »
Paul Sprute, Ariane Komeda, Contact Architecture: Colonial Architecture in Namibia between Norm and Translation [en]
Paul Sprute, Ariane Komeda, Kontaktarchitektur: Kolonialarchitektur in Namibia zwischen Norm und Übersetzung [de]
Iain Boyd Whyte, Philip Goad, Ann Stephen, Andrew McNamara, Harriet
Edquist and Isabel Wünsche (eds.), Bauhaus Diaspora and Beyond: Transforming
Education through Art, Design and Architecture